Thursday 15 October 2009

Magnetic Mattresses and Pads

The last 40 years were very good for the magnetic industry. People keep buying magnetic jewelry, wraps for joints, sleeping pads and even magnet-conditioned water, hoping that 'the invisible power' of magnets will cure their ailments and significantly improve their life. But is there any truth in all this? Can a magnetic mattress cure insomnia and fibromyalgia and offer you a comforting sleep at the same time?

Some say that magnetic therapy works like this: magnets increase blood flow to the area they touch by attracting the iron in the blood, by relaxing capillary walls, surrounding muscle and conective tissue. The increased blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrients to the injured or painful body part, thus rushing the healing.

Others say that iron is bound to hemoglobine inside our blood cells and consequently cannot be affected by the presence of any magnetic field produced by a comercial magnet.

The one thing everyone agrees on is the lack of negative side effects of magnets. But beware of the serious contraindications of magnetic therapy: pregnancy, small babies, or if you are wearing a pacemaker, a defibrillator, an insulin pump or any other implanted electro-medical device.

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